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Useful Links

Initial Assessment

Children with communication difficulties

  • If you are unsure whether your child needs speech and language therapy but someone else has raised a concern (your child’s Health Visitor, a teacher, or a family member) you could look at the Talking Point website. You can use their 'ages and stages' checklists or try the Progress Checker. These are just guides, but can help you decide if your child's communication skills are appropriate for their age or if they may need extra help. 

  • National Autistic Society 

  • Information, support and resources to help families and children with Autism at Ambitious About Autism

  • Speech and Language Therapist, Caroline Bowen´s website answers common questions parents have around speech sound disorders and development. 

  • Parent support site for children with speech and language difficulties on Speechlink.

  • Information and resources for children with speech and language needs at MommySpeechTherapy.

Adults with acquired communication difficulties.

  • A youtube video - What is Aphasia ?

  • The Stroke Association provides clubs and support groups to stroke survivers and their carers, family and friends 

  • The National Aphasia Society´s mission is to promote public awareness of aphasia and provide support to all persons with aphasia and their caregivers. They run groups such as the aphasia cafe. They are doing online chats at the moment.

  • ​Ì´m still me. A poetry project online book by adults with Aphasia 

  • ´What is Dysarthria?´ by NHS 

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